Global Background Screening LLC provides you a new background check platform for employers. We provide the most updated criminal record information available, utilizing hundreds of court researchers in almost 200 countries.
Based out of Tennessee (TN), we also help employees check their state records prior to employment and provide employers consumer reports that are fully FCRA compliant (Fair Credit Reporting Act) .
With over 20 years experience with criminal history reports, you can rest assured that all rules & regulations are met. We continuously maintain up to date records verified at the state or county level.
Why should You Conduct an Employment Screening?
When we open the hiring position before providing the job to the employee, we have to do a employee background screening to protect the interests of the organization to whom we are hiring. It includes criminal records, financial records, drug testing, etc. and ensures that the employee records fulfill the organization policy. You should make sure that the caliber of your employee should be at the highest level. Background screening is essential for reducing risk and increasing the safety of your workforce.
The background check's primary purpose is to ensure the safety of the place and maintain the standards.
Background Screenings in Tennessee
Due to many rural areas in Tennessee and prehistoric technology it's challenging for employers in Tennessee and around the United States to receive a timely report.
With years of experience and relationship building, Global Background Screening LLC has built life long relationships with court clerks in Tennessee and provides fast criminal history report.